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The database currently contains 562,396,733 Galois orbits of 303,963,552,392 Dirichlet characters of modulus up to 1,000,000. L-functions are available for characters of modulus up to 2,800 (and some of higher modulus). Here are some further statistics.


By modulus: 1-20   21-40   41-60   $\cdots$
By conductor: 1-9   10-99   100-999   1000-9999   $\cdots$
By order: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  $\cdots$
Some interesting Dirichlet characters or a random Dirichlet character



e.g. 13.2 for the Dirichlet character \(\displaystyle\chi_{13}(2,ยท)\),or 13.f for its Galois orbit.