We are grateful for all of the support that has enabled the construction of the LMFDB. In particular, here we acknowledge financial sponsors, institutions that have hosted workshops, semester programs, and other activities, support in the form of software and hardware, and list the individuals who have contributed to the LMFDB database or website.


The LMFDB has been supported by a number of grants.


We have also received support in the form of meetings and workshops hosted at the institutions below. See the list of activities for details.


Our website is run on free open source software. We use SageMath for computations on the fly. Some important components used are PARI, eclib, and lcalc. The non-mathematical software used includes Python, Flask, Jinja, PostgreSQL, Psycopg, KaTeX, and Git. Some of the data on this website was computed using other programs, including Magma, Mathematica, and GAP.


The database and web server were hosted until September 2013 on William Stein's NSF-funded cluster at the University of Washington. From 2013 until 2016 they were hosted on the EPSRC-funded clusters at the Universities of Warwick and Bristol. Since April 2016 the database and web server have been hosted on the Google Cloud Platform, funded by a CompX grant from the Neukom Institute, and since October 2017, by a grant from the Simons Foundation. The website source code is hosted at GitHub.


Jonathan Bober, Ralph Furmaniak, and Harald Schilly made essential early contributions to the LMFDB back-end.

The move from MongoDB to Postgres was achieved by Edgar Costa and David Roe.

Alina Bucur coded the vector graphics version of the LMFDB universe.


Matthew Alderson
Bill Allombert www
University Bordeaux I
Samuele Anni www
Aix-Marseille Université
David Neill Asanza
Grinnell College
Eran Assaf www
Dartmouth College
Angelica Babei www
Dartmouth College
Salman Baig
Jennifer Balakrishnan www
Boston University
Alex Bartel www
University of Glasgow
Jennifer Beineke www
Western New England College
Alex J. Best www
Boston University
Jonathan W. Bober www
University of Bristol
Raymond van Bommel www
Andrew Booker www
University of Bristol
Robert Bradshaw
Google Inc.
Chris Brady
University of Warwick
Benjamin Breen www
Dartmouth College
Peter Bruin www
Universiteit Leiden
Alina Bucur www
University of California, San Diego
Sarunas Burdulis www
Dartmouth College
Michael Bush www
Washington and Lee
Frédéric Chapoton
CNRS et Université de Strasbourg
Mirela Ciperiani www
University of Texas, Austin
Fabien Clery
Loughborough University
Henri Cohen www
University Bordeaux I
Lewis Combes
University of Sheffield
Brian Conrey www
University of Bristol and AIM
Edgar Costa www
John Cremona www
University of Warwick
Rachel Davis www
Purdue University
Paul-Olivier Dehaye www
Alyson Deines
CCR La Jolla
Lassina Dembele www
Université du Luxembourg
Maarten Derickx www
Universiteit Leiden
Martin Dickson www
Kings College London
Tim Dokchitser www
University of Bristol
Taylor Dupuy www
University of Vermont
Bas Edixhoven
Universiteit Leiden
Stephan Ehlen www
Universität zu Köln
David W. Farmer
Albert Ford
Grinnell College
Markus Fraczek
Sharon Frechette www
College of Holy Cross
Ralph Furmaniak www
Stanford University
Thomas Grubb www
University of California, San Diego
Paul E. Gunnells www
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Anna Haensch www
Duquesne University
Jonathan Hanke www
William Hart
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Ghaith Hiary www
The Ohio State University
Duc Khiem Huynh www
University of Waterloo
Enrique González Jiménez www
Universidad Autonóma de Madrid
John Jones www
Arizona State University
Jon Keating www
University of Bristol
Kiran S. Kedlaya www
University of California, San Diego
Kamal Khuri-Makdisi
American University Beirut
Sally Koutsoliotas
Bucknell University
Patrick Kühn
Universität Zürich
Watson Ladd
University of California
Anthony Lazzaro www
Stefan Lemurell www
Göteborgs Universitet
David Lowry-Duda www
Brown University
Lex Martin
Grinnell College
Nicolas Mascot www
Trinity College Dublin
Mark McConnell
Anna Medvedovsky
MPI Bonn
Robert Miller www
Andreea Mocanu
University of Nottingham
Pascal Molin www
Université Paris 7
Grant Molnar www
Warren Moore
Bartosz Naskręcki www
Adam Mickiewicz University
Nhi Ngo
Grinnell College
Aurel Page www
University of Bordeaux
Jennifer Paulhus www
Mount Holyoke College
David Platt www
University of Bristol
Robert Pollack www
Boston University
Alexander D. Rahm www
University of Luxembourg
Heather Ratcliffe
University of Warwick
Samuel Rice
David Roberts www
University of Minnesota, Morris
Manami Roy www
Fordham University
Michael Rubinstein www
University of Waterloo
Nathan Ryan www
Bucknell University
George J. Schaeffer
Stanford University
Ciaran Schembri www
Dartmouth College
Sam Schiavone www
Dartmouth College
Harald Schilly www
University of Vienna
Ralf Schmidt www
University of Oklahoma
Gagan Sekhon
Haluk Sengun www
University of Sheffield
Jerry Shurman www
Reed College
Jeroen Sijsling www
Universität Ulm
Samir Siksek www
University of Warwick
Joseph Silverman www
Brown University
Nils-Peter Skoruppa www
Universität Siegen
William Stein www
University of Washington
Fredrik Strömberg www
University of Nottingham
Sanah Suri
Grinnell College
Andrew Sutherland www
Holly Swisher www
Oregon State University
Holger Then www
University of Bristol
Gonzalo Tornaria www
Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Alex Torzewski www
Kings College London
Fernando Rodriguez Villegas www
ICTP, Trieste
Christelle Vincent www
University of Vermont
John Voight www
Dartmouth College
Lynne Walling www
University of Bristol
Kevin Wang
Grinnell College
Weiyi Wang
Mark Watkins www
University of Sydney
David Watson www
University of Exeter
Jamie Weigandt
Purdue University
Trevor Wooley www
University of Bristol
Dan Yasaki www
The University of North Carolina Greensboro
David Yuen www
Lake Forest College