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All groups in the database, as well as their attributes, subgroups, character tables, etc. were computed using Magma from code and algorithms developed and written by Michael Bush, Lewis Combes, John Jones, Jen Paulhus, David Roe, Manami Roy, and Sam Schiavone. The code is available on GitHub.

Small groups were pulled from the small group database in Magma, and rely on the following work:

Additional acknowledgments

This project was inspired by, and took much of its initial design ideas from Tim Dokchitser's GroupNames pages. A special thanks to Tim Dokchitser for his advice, suggestions, and code, as well as giving us permission to use some of his language for knowls on these pages.

Kiran Kedlaya, David Roberts, and Andrew Sutherland each contributed to discussions about the theoretical underpinnings of the computations, and provided coding support.