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We use the following notation to denote some standard modular curves that appear in the literature:

  • $X(N)$ denotes the modular curve that parametrizes elliptic curves with full rational $N$-torsion.
  • $X_0(N)$ denotes the modular curve that parametrizes elliptic curves with a rational cyclic isogeny of degree $N$.
  • $X_1(N)$ denotes the modular curves that parametrizes elliptic curves with a rational point of order $N$.
  • $X_{S_4}(\ell)$ parametrizes elliptic curves whose mod-$\ell$ Galois images is projectively isomorpic to $S_4$, respectively.
  • For primes $\ell\equiv 1\bmod 4$ the modular curve $X_{A_4}(\ell)$ parametrizes elliptic curves whose mod-$\ell$ Galois images is projectively isomorpic to $A_4$ and $S_4$, respectively.
  • For primes $\ell\equiv\pm 1\bmod 5$ the modular curve $X_{A_5}(\ell)$ parametrizes elliptic curves mod-$\ell$ Galois images is projectively isomorpic to $A_5$.
  • $X_{\mathrm{sp}}(N)$ denotes the split Cartan modular curve $X_H$ for which $H\leq \GL_2(\widehat \Z)$ is the inverse image of the reduction to $\GL_2(\Z/N\Z)$ of the Cartan subgroup associated to an imaginary quadratic order $\mathcal O$ in which every prime divisor of $N$ splits (this definition does not depend on $\mathcal O$, up to conjugacy $H$ is the inverse image of the diagonal subgroup of $\GL_2(\Z/N\Z)$).
  • $X_{\mathrm{sp}}^+(N)$ denotes the modular curve $X_H$ for which $H\leq \GL_2(\widehat\Z)$ is the reduction to $\GL_2(\Z/N\Z)$ of the normalizer of the split Cartan subgroup of $\GL_2(\widehat\Z)$ (containing the split Cartan with index 2).
  • $X_{\mathrm{ns}}(N)$ denotes the nonsplit Cartan modular curve $X_H$ for which $H\leq \GL_2(\widehat \Z)$ is the inverse image of the reduction to $\GL_2(\Z/N\Z)$ of the Cartan subgroup associated to an imaginary quadratic order $\mathcal O$ in which every prime divisor of $N$ is inert (this definition does not depend on $\mathcal O$).
  • $X_{\mathrm{ns}}^+(N)$ denotes the modular curve $X_H$ for which $H\leq \GL_2(\widehat\Z)$ is the reduction to $\GL_2(\Z/N\Z)$ of the normalizer of the nonsplit Cartan subgroup of $\GL_2(\widehat\Z)$ (containing the nonsplit Cartan with index 2).
Knowl status:
  • Review status: beta
  • Last edited by Andrew Sutherland on 2022-03-25 13:20:00
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