
Base field \(\Q(\sqrt{-3}) \)
Conductor norm \( 4489 \)
CM yes (\(-3\))
Base change no
Q-curve yes
Torsion order \( 1 \)
Rank not available

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Base field \(\Q(\sqrt{-3}) \)

Generator \(a\), with minimal polynomial \( x^{2} - x + 1 \); class number \(1\).

sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ); K.<a> = NumberField(R([1, -1, 1]))
gp: K = nfinit(Polrev([1, -1, 1]));
magma: R<x> := PolynomialRing(Rationals()); K<a> := NumberField(R![1, -1, 1]);

Weierstrass equation

sage: E = EllipticCurve([K([0,0]),K([-1,-1]),K([1,1]),K([0,1]),K([-987,2040])])
gp: E = ellinit([Polrev([0,0]),Polrev([-1,-1]),Polrev([1,1]),Polrev([0,1]),Polrev([-987,2040])], K);
magma: E := EllipticCurve([K![0,0],K![-1,-1],K![1,1],K![0,1],K![-987,2040]]);

This is a global minimal model.

sage: E.is_global_minimal_model()

Mordell-Weil group structure

Not computed ($ 0 \le r \le 2 $)


Conductor: $\frak{N}$ = \((-77a+45)\) = \((9a-7)^{2}\)
sage: E.conductor()
gp: ellglobalred(E)[1]
magma: Conductor(E);
Conductor norm: $N(\frak{N})$ = \( 4489 \) = \(67^{2}\)
sage: E.conductor().norm()
gp: idealnorm(ellglobalred(E)[1])
magma: Norm(Conductor(E));
Discriminant: $\Delta$ = $-58853475a+1378589443$
Discriminant ideal: $\frak{D}_{\mathrm{min}} = (\Delta)$ = \((-58853475a+1378589443)\) = \((9a-7)^{10}\)
sage: E.discriminant()
gp: E.disc
magma: Discriminant(E);
Discriminant norm: $N(\frak{D}_{\mathrm{min}}) = N(\Delta)$ = \( 1822837804551761449 \) = \(67^{10}\)
sage: E.discriminant().norm()
gp: norm(E.disc)
magma: Norm(Discriminant(E));
j-invariant: $j$ = \( 0 \)
sage: E.j_invariant()
gp: E.j
magma: jInvariant(E);
Endomorphism ring: $\mathrm{End}(E)$ = \(\Z[(1+\sqrt{-3})/2]\)    (complex multiplication)
Geometric endomorphism ring: $\mathrm{End}(E_{\overline{\Q}})$ = \(\Z[(1+\sqrt{-3})/2]\)   
sage: E.has_cm(), E.cm_discriminant()
magma: HasComplexMultiplication(E);
Sato-Tate group: $\mathrm{ST}(E)$ = $\mathrm{U}(1)$

BSD invariants

Analytic rank: $r_{\mathrm{an}}$= \( 0 \)
sage: E.rank()
magma: Rank(E);
Mordell-Weil rank: $r?$   \(0 \le r \le 2\)
Regulator*: $\mathrm{Reg}(E/K)$ \( 1 \)
Néron-Tate Regulator*: $\mathrm{Reg}_{\mathrm{NT}}(E/K)$ \( 1 \)
Global period: $\Omega(E/K)$ \( 0.844907201181166536160218623038423210180 \)
Tamagawa product: $\prod_{\frak{p}}c_{\frak{p}}$= \( 1 \)
Torsion order: $\#E(K)_{\mathrm{tor}}$= \(1\)
Special value: $L^{(r)}(E/K,1)/r!$ \( 1.9512296001687991653966573082374851614 \)
Analytic order of Ш*: Ш${}_{\mathrm{an}}$= \( 4 \) (rounded)

* Conditional on BSD: assuming rank = analytic rank.

Note: We expect that the nontriviality of Ш explains the discrepancy between the upper bound on the rank and the analytic rank. The application of further descents should suffice to establish the weak BSD conjecture for this curve.

Local data at primes of bad reduction

sage: E.local_data()
magma: LocalInformation(E);

This elliptic curve is not semistable. There is only one prime $\frak{p}$ of bad reduction.

$\mathfrak{p}$ $N(\mathfrak{p})$ Tamagawa number Kodaira symbol Reduction type Root number \(\mathrm{ord}_{\mathfrak{p}}(\mathfrak{N}\)) \(\mathrm{ord}_{\mathfrak{p}}(\mathfrak{D}_{\mathrm{min}}\)) \(\mathrm{ord}_{\mathfrak{p}}(\mathrm{den}(j))\)
\((9a-7)\) \(67\) \(1\) \(II^{*}\) Additive \(-1\) \(2\) \(10\) \(0\)

Galois Representations

The mod \( p \) Galois Representation has maximal image for all primes \( p < 1000 \) except those listed.

prime Image of Galois Representation
\(67\) 67Cs.9.1

For all other primes \(p\), the image is a Borel subgroup if \(p=3\), a split Cartan subgroup if \(\left(\frac{ -3 }{p}\right)=+1\) or a nonsplit Cartan subgroup if \(\left(\frac{ -3 }{p}\right)=-1\).

Isogenies and isogeny class

This curve has no rational isogenies other than endomorphisms. Its isogeny class 4489.1-CMa consists of this curve only.

Base change

This elliptic curve is a \(\Q\)-curve.

It is not the base change of an elliptic curve defined over any subfield.