
Base field \(\Q(\sqrt{21}) \)
Conductor norm \( 300 \)
CM no
Base change no
Q-curve yes
Torsion order \( 2 \)
Rank \( 1 \)

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Base field \(\Q(\sqrt{21}) \)

Generator \(a\), with minimal polynomial \( x^{2} - x - 5 \); class number \(1\).

sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ); K.<a> = NumberField(R([-5, -1, 1]))
gp: K = nfinit(Polrev([-5, -1, 1]));
magma: R<x> := PolynomialRing(Rationals()); K<a> := NumberField(R![-5, -1, 1]);

Weierstrass equation

sage: E = EllipticCurve([K([0,1]),K([-1,-1]),K([1,1]),K([-198,58]),K([-1262,482])])
gp: E = ellinit([Polrev([0,1]),Polrev([-1,-1]),Polrev([1,1]),Polrev([-198,58]),Polrev([-1262,482])], K);
magma: E := EllipticCurve([K![0,1],K![-1,-1],K![1,1],K![-198,58],K![-1262,482]]);

This is a global minimal model.

sage: E.is_global_minimal_model()

Mordell-Weil group structure

\(\Z \oplus \Z/{2}\Z\)

Mordell-Weil generators

$\left(-7 a + 22 : 31 a - 88 : 1\right)$$0.088128368993571201422228677215037474010$$\infty$
$\left(\frac{11}{4} a - \frac{17}{4} : \frac{1}{4} a - \frac{59}{8} : 1\right)$$0$$2$


Conductor: $\frak{N}$ = \((-8a+10)\) = \((-a+2)\cdot(2)\cdot(-a)^{2}\)
sage: E.conductor()
gp: ellglobalred(E)[1]
magma: Conductor(E);
Conductor norm: $N(\frak{N})$ = \( 300 \) = \(3\cdot4\cdot5^{2}\)
sage: E.conductor().norm()
gp: idealnorm(ellglobalred(E)[1])
magma: Norm(Conductor(E));
Discriminant: $\Delta$ = $-341172a+3542940$
Discriminant ideal: $\frak{D}_{\mathrm{min}} = (\Delta)$ = \((-341172a+3542940)\) = \((-a+2)^{16}\cdot(2)^{2}\cdot(-a)^{6}\)
sage: E.discriminant()
gp: E.disc
magma: Discriminant(E);
Discriminant norm: $N(\frak{D}_{\mathrm{min}}) = N(\Delta)$ = \( 10761680250000 \) = \(3^{16}\cdot4^{2}\cdot5^{6}\)
sage: E.discriminant().norm()
gp: norm(E.disc)
magma: Norm(Discriminant(E));
j-invariant: $j$ = \( \frac{838561807}{26244} \)
sage: E.j_invariant()
gp: E.j
magma: jInvariant(E);
Endomorphism ring: $\mathrm{End}(E)$ = \(\Z\)   
Geometric endomorphism ring: $\mathrm{End}(E_{\overline{\Q}})$ = \(\Z\)    (no potential complex multiplication)
sage: E.has_cm(), E.cm_discriminant()
magma: HasComplexMultiplication(E);
Sato-Tate group: $\mathrm{ST}(E)$ = $\mathrm{SU}(2)$

BSD invariants

Analytic rank: $r_{\mathrm{an}}$= \( 1 \)
sage: E.rank()
magma: Rank(E);
Mordell-Weil rank: $r$ = \(1\)
Regulator: $\mathrm{Reg}(E/K)$ \( 0.088128368993571201422228677215037474010 \)
Néron-Tate Regulator: $\mathrm{Reg}_{\mathrm{NT}}(E/K)$ \( 0.1762567379871424028444573544300749480200 \)
Global period: $\Omega(E/K)$ \( 3.8021564026277892897573725346221853596 \)
Tamagawa product: $\prod_{\frak{p}}c_{\frak{p}}$= \( 64 \)  =  \(2^{4}\cdot2\cdot2\)
Torsion order: $\#E(K)_{\mathrm{tor}}$= \(2\)
Special value: $L^{(r)}(E/K,1)/r!$ \( 2.3398393548213854564075664120849396937 \)
Analytic order of Ш: Ш${}_{\mathrm{an}}$= \( 1 \) (rounded)

BSD formula

$\displaystyle 2.339839355 \approx L'(E/K,1) \overset{?}{=} \frac{ \# Ш(E/K) \cdot \Omega(E/K) \cdot \mathrm{Reg}_{\mathrm{NT}}(E/K) \cdot \prod_{\mathfrak{p}} c_{\mathfrak{p}} } { \#E(K)_{\mathrm{tor}}^2 \cdot \left|d_K\right|^{1/2} } \approx \frac{ 1 \cdot 3.802156 \cdot 0.176257 \cdot 64 } { {2^2 \cdot 4.582576} } \approx 2.339839355$

Local data at primes of bad reduction

sage: E.local_data()
magma: LocalInformation(E);

This elliptic curve is not semistable. There are 3 primes $\frak{p}$ of bad reduction.

$\mathfrak{p}$ $N(\mathfrak{p})$ Tamagawa number Kodaira symbol Reduction type Root number \(\mathrm{ord}_{\mathfrak{p}}(\mathfrak{N}\)) \(\mathrm{ord}_{\mathfrak{p}}(\mathfrak{D}_{\mathrm{min}}\)) \(\mathrm{ord}_{\mathfrak{p}}(\mathrm{den}(j))\)
\((-a+2)\) \(3\) \(16\) \(I_{16}\) Split multiplicative \(-1\) \(1\) \(16\) \(16\)
\((2)\) \(4\) \(2\) \(I_{2}\) Non-split multiplicative \(1\) \(1\) \(2\) \(2\)
\((-a)\) \(5\) \(2\) \(I_0^{*}\) Additive \(1\) \(2\) \(6\) \(0\)

Galois Representations

The mod \( p \) Galois Representation has maximal image for all primes \( p < 1000 \) except those listed.

prime Image of Galois Representation
\(2\) 2B

Isogenies and isogeny class

This curve has non-trivial cyclic isogenies of degree \(d\) for \(d=\) 2.
Its isogeny class 300.3-a consists of curves linked by isogenies of degree 2.

Base change

This elliptic curve is a \(\Q\)-curve.

It is not the base change of an elliptic curve defined over any subfield.