Minimal Weierstrass equation
Minimal Weierstrass equation
Simplified equation
(homogenize, simplify) |
(dehomogenize, simplify) |
(homogenize, minimize) |
Mordell-Weil group structure
Mordell-Weil generators
$P$ | $\hat{h}(P)$ | Order |
$(85/4, 579/8)$ | $4.7202414682970547698028240712$ | $\infty$ |
Integral points
Conductor: | $N$ | = | \( 15032 \) | = | $2^{3} \cdot 1879$ | comment: Conductor
sage: E.conductor().factor()
gp: ellglobalred(E)[1]
magma: Conductor(E);
oscar: conductor(E)
Discriminant: | $\Delta$ | = | $-1924096$ | = | $-1 \cdot 2^{10} \cdot 1879 $ | comment: Discriminant
sage: E.discriminant().factor()
gp: E.disc
magma: Discriminant(E);
oscar: discriminant(E)
j-invariant: | $j$ | = | \( -\frac{381775972}{1879} \) | = | $-1 \cdot 2^{2} \cdot 457^{3} \cdot 1879^{-1}$ | comment: j-invariant
sage: E.j_invariant().factor()
gp: E.j
magma: jInvariant(E);
oscar: j_invariant(E)
Endomorphism ring: | $\mathrm{End}(E)$ | = | $\Z$ | |||
Geometric endomorphism ring: | $\mathrm{End}(E_{\overline{\Q}})$ | = | \(\Z\) (no potential complex multiplication) | sage: E.has_cm()
magma: HasComplexMultiplication(E);
Sato-Tate group: | $\mathrm{ST}(E)$ | = | $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ | |||
Faltings height: | $h_{\mathrm{Faltings}}$ | ≈ | $0.053911920974803250130359765692$ | gp: ellheight(E)
magma: FaltingsHeight(E);
oscar: faltings_height(E)
Stable Faltings height: | $h_{\mathrm{stable}}$ | ≈ | $-0.52371072949181784105066700219$ | magma: StableFaltingsHeight(E);
oscar: stable_faltings_height(E)
$abc$ quality: | $Q$ | ≈ | $0.7458561948513464$ | |||
Szpiro ratio: | $\sigma_{m}$ | ≈ | $2.7760928782350875$ |
BSD invariants
Analytic rank: | $r_{\mathrm{an}}$ | = | $ 1$ | sage: E.analytic_rank()
gp: ellanalyticrank(E)
magma: AnalyticRank(E);
Mordell-Weil rank: | $r$ | = | $ 1$ | comment: Rank
sage: E.rank()
gp: [lower,upper] = ellrank(E)
magma: Rank(E);
Regulator: | $\mathrm{Reg}(E/\Q)$ | ≈ | $4.7202414682970547698028240712$ | comment: Regulator
sage: E.regulator()
G = E.gen \\ if available
magma: Regulator(E);
Real period: | $\Omega$ | ≈ | $0.67927084001527670437898315320$ | comment: Real Period
sage: E.period_lattice().omega()
gp: if(E.disc>0,2,1)*[1]
magma: (Discriminant(E) gt 0 select 2 else 1) * RealPeriod(E);
Tamagawa product: | $\prod_{p}c_p$ | = | $ 2 $ = $ 2\cdot1 $ | comment: Tamagawa numbers
sage: E.tamagawa_numbers()
gp: gr=ellglobalred(E); [[gr[4][i,1],gr[5][i][4]] | i<-[1..#gr[4][,1]]]
magma: TamagawaNumbers(E);
oscar: tamagawa_numbers(E)
Torsion order: | $\#E(\Q)_{\mathrm{tor}}$ | = | $1$ | comment: Torsion order
sage: E.torsion_order()
gp: elltors(E)[1]
magma: Order(TorsionSubgroup(E));
oscar: prod(torsion_structure(E)[1])
Special value: | $ L'(E,1)$ | ≈ | $6.4126447744901669930371248530 $ | comment: Special L-value
r = E.rank();
gp: [r,L1r] = ellanalyticrank(E); L1r/r!
magma: Lr1 where r,Lr1 := AnalyticRank(E: Precision:=12);
Analytic order of Ш: | Ш${}_{\mathrm{an}}$ | ≈ | $1$ (rounded) | comment: Order of Sha
sage: E.sha().an_numerical()
magma: MordellWeilShaInformation(E);
BSD formula
$\displaystyle 6.412644774 \approx L'(E,1) = \frac{\# Ш(E/\Q)\cdot \Omega_E \cdot \mathrm{Reg}(E/\Q) \cdot \prod_p c_p}{\#E(\Q)_{\rm tor}^2} \approx \frac{1 \cdot 0.679271 \cdot 4.720241 \cdot 2}{1^2} \approx 6.412644774$
Modular invariants
For more coefficients, see the Downloads section to the right.
Modular degree: | 5376 | comment: Modular degree
sage: E.modular_degree()
gp: ellmoddegree(E)
magma: ModularDegree(E);
$ \Gamma_0(N) $-optimal: | yes | |
Manin constant: | 1 | comment: Manin constant
magma: ManinConstant(E);
Local data at primes of bad reduction
This elliptic curve is not semistable. There are 2 primes $p$ of bad reduction:
$p$ | Tamagawa number | Kodaira symbol | Reduction type | Root number | $\mathrm{ord}_p(N)$ | $\mathrm{ord}_p(\Delta)$ | $\mathrm{ord}_p(\mathrm{den}(j))$ |
$2$ | $2$ | $III^{*}$ | additive | -1 | 3 | 10 | 0 |
$1879$ | $1$ | $I_{1}$ | split multiplicative | -1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Galois representations
The $\ell$-adic Galois representation has maximal image for all primes $\ell$.
The image $H:=\rho_E(\Gal(\overline{\Q}/\Q))$ of the adelic Galois representation has level \( 3758 = 2 \cdot 1879 \), index $2$, genus $0$, and generators
$\left(\begin{array}{rr} 3757 & 2 \\ 3756 & 3 \end{array}\right),\left(\begin{array}{rr} 1 & 0 \\ 2 & 1 \end{array}\right),\left(\begin{array}{rr} 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 \end{array}\right),\left(\begin{array}{rr} 1 & 1 \\ 3757 & 0 \end{array}\right),\left(\begin{array}{rr} 1885 & 2 \\ 1885 & 3 \end{array}\right)$.
The torsion field $K:=\Q(E[3758])$ is a degree-$37376364803040$ Galois extension of $\Q$ with $\Gal(K/\Q)$ isomorphic to the projection of $H$ to $\GL_2(\Z/3758\Z)$.
The table below list all primes $\ell$ for which the Serre invariants associated to the mod-$\ell$ Galois representation are exceptional.
$\ell$ | Reduction type | Serre weight | Serre conductor |
$2$ | additive | $2$ | \( 1879 \) |
$1879$ | split multiplicative | $1880$ | \( 8 = 2^{3} \) |
This curve has no rational isogenies. Its isogeny class 15032d consists of this curve only.
This elliptic curve is its own minimal quadratic twist.
Growth of torsion in number fields
The number fields $K$ of degree less than 24 such that $E(K)_{\rm tors}$ is strictly larger than $E(\Q)_{\rm tors}$ (which is trivial) are as follows:
$[K:\Q]$ | $K$ | $E(K)_{\rm tors}$ | Base change curve |
$3$ | 3.1.1879.1 | \(\Z/2\Z\) | not in database |
$6$ | 6.0.6634074439.1 | \(\Z/2\Z \oplus \Z/2\Z\) | not in database |
$8$ | deg 8 | \(\Z/3\Z\) | not in database |
$12$ | deg 12 | \(\Z/4\Z\) | not in database |
We only show fields where the torsion growth is primitive. For fields not in the database, click on the degree shown to reveal the defining polynomial.
Iwasawa invariants
$p$ | 2 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 11 | 13 | 17 | 19 | 23 | 29 | 31 | 37 | 41 | 43 | 47 | 1879 |
Reduction type | add | ord | ord | ord | ord | ord | ord | ord | ord | ord | ord | ord | ord | ord | ord | split |
$\lambda$-invariant(s) | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ? |
$\mu$-invariant(s) | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ? |
An entry ? indicates that the invariants have not yet been computed.
An entry - indicates that the invariants are not computed because the reduction is additive.
$p$-adic regulators
Note: $p$-adic regulator data only exists for primes $p\ge 5$ of good ordinary reduction.