
Label 462.c
Number of curves 44
Conductor 462462
CM no
Rank 00

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E = EllipticCurve("c1")

Elliptic curves in class 462.c

sage: E.isogeny_class().curves
LMFDB label Cremona label Weierstrass coefficients j-invariant Discriminant Torsion structure Modular degree Faltings height Optimality
462.c1 462b3 [1,1,0,92004,10703088][1, 1, 0, -92004, 10703088] 86129359107301290313/916629436886129359107301290313/9166294368 91662943689166294368 [2][2] 19201920 1.33931.3393  
462.c2 462b2 [1,1,0,5764,164560][1, 1, 0, -5764, 164560] 21184262604460873/21687276441621184262604460873/216872764416 216872764416216872764416 [2,2][2, 2] 960960 0.992730.99273  
462.c3 462b4 [1,1,0,1444,410800][1, 1, 0, -1444, 410800] 333345918055753/72923718045024-333345918055753/72923718045024 72923718045024-72923718045024 [2][2] 19201920 1.33931.3393  
462.c4 462b1 [1,1,0,644,2352][1, 1, 0, -644, -2352] 29609739866953/1525992652829609739866953/15259926528 1525992652815259926528 [2][2] 480480 0.646160.64616 Γ0(N)\Gamma_0(N)-optimal


sage: E.rank()

The elliptic curves in class 462.c have rank 00.

Complex multiplication

The elliptic curves in class 462.c do not have complex multiplication.

Modular form 462.2.a.c

sage: E.q_eigenform(10)
qq2q3+q4+2q5+q6q7q8+q92q10+q11q12+2q13+q142q15+q16+6q17q188q19+O(q20)q - q^{2} - q^{3} + q^{4} + 2 q^{5} + q^{6} - q^{7} - q^{8} + q^{9} - 2 q^{10} + q^{11} - q^{12} + 2 q^{13} + q^{14} - 2 q^{15} + q^{16} + 6 q^{17} - q^{18} - 8 q^{19} + O(q^{20}) Copy content Toggle raw display

Isogeny matrix

sage: E.isogeny_class().matrix()

The i,ji,j entry is the smallest degree of a cyclic isogeny between the ii-th and jj-th curve in the isogeny class, in the LMFDB numbering.

(1244212242144241)\left(\begin{array}{rrrr} 1 & 2 & 4 & 4 \\ 2 & 1 & 2 & 2 \\ 4 & 2 & 1 & 4 \\ 4 & 2 & 4 & 1 \end{array}\right)

Isogeny graph

sage: E.isogeny_graph().plot(edge_labels=True)

The vertices are labelled with LMFDB labels.