The conductor of an Artin representation is a positive integer that measures its ramification. It can be expressed as a product of local conductors.
Let $K/\Q$ be a Galois extension and $\rho:\Gal(K/\Q)\to\GL(V)$ an Artin representation. Then the conductor of $\rho$ is $ \prod_p p^{f(\rho,p)} $ for non-negative integers $f(\rho,p)$, where the product is taken over prime numbers $p$.
To define the exponents $f(\rho,p)$, fix a prime $\mathfrak{p}$ of $K$ above $p$ and consider the corresponding extension of local fields $K_{\mathfrak{p}}/\Q_p$ with Galois group $G$. Then $G$ has a filtration of higher ramification groups in lower numbering $G_i$, as defined in Chapter IV of Serre's Local Fields [MR:0554237, 10.1007/978-1-4757-5673-9]. In particular, $G_{-1}=G$, $G_0$ is the inertia group of $K_\mathfrak{p}/\Q_p$, and $G_1$ is the wild inertia group, which is a finite $p$-group.
Let $g_i = |G_i|$. Then \[ f(\rho, p) = \sum_{i\geq 0} \frac{g_i}{g_0} (\dim(V) - \dim(V^{G_i}))\] where $V^{G_i}$ is the subspace of $V$ fixed by $G_i$.
Note that if $p$ is unramified in $K$, then $f(\rho,p)=0$ and conversely, if $\rho$ is faithful and $p$ is ramified in $K$, then $f(\rho,p)>0$.
- Review status: reviewed
- Last edited by John Jones on 2023-04-26 10:22:33
- artin.2.163.8t12.a.a.bottom
- artin.2.23.3t2.b.a.bottom
- artin.2.785.24t138.b.a.bottom
- artin.label
- cmf.galois_representation
- rcs.cande.artin
- lmfdb/artin_representations/ (line 231)
- lmfdb/artin_representations/ (line 543)
- lmfdb/artin_representations/ (line 725)
- lmfdb/artin_representations/ (line 787)
- lmfdb/artin_representations/templates/artin-representation-galois-orbit.html (line 9)
- lmfdb/artin_representations/templates/artin-representation-index.html (line 16)
- lmfdb/artin_representations/templates/artin-representation-show.html (line 9)
- lmfdb/number_fields/templates/nf-show-field.html (line 287)
- 2023-04-26 10:22:33 by John Jones (Reviewed)
- 2020-10-25 00:24:04 by John Jones (Reviewed)
- 2020-10-24 16:30:01 by Andrew Sutherland
- 2019-05-10 11:11:55 by Andrew Sutherland
- 2019-05-10 10:29:45 by Andrew Sutherland
- 2019-05-10 10:29:08 by Andrew Sutherland
- 2019-05-09 14:50:26 by John Jones
- 2019-05-09 14:49:06 by John Jones
- 2019-05-08 19:39:47 by John Jones
- 2012-06-25 12:46:45 by John Jones