- ID: jenpaulhus
Jennifer Paulhus has contributed to these Knowls:
A group acting on a compact Riemann Surface,
Acknowledgements for abstract groups,
Acknowledgments for curves of higher genus with automorphism group data,
Braid Equivalence,
Branch Points,
Center of a character,
Completeness and extent of abstract group data,
Conductor of the field generated by the character values,
Cyclic trigonal curve,
Degree of a character,
Dimension of a family of curves,
Elementary group,
Extent of data for families of higher genus curves with automorphisms,
Find an abstract group,
Fuchsian group,
Generating Vector,
Geometric endomorphism algebra,
Geometrically simple,
Group algebra decomposition of Jacobian varieties ,
Image of a representation,
Interdependencies of group properties,
Kernel of a character,
Label of a group,
Labeling convention for families of higher genus curves,
Labels for the small group database in GAP and Magma,
Matrix group,
Minimum permutation representation,
Monodromy Group,
Normal series of a group,
Order of elements in a conjugacy class,
Order statistics of a group,
Outer automorphism group,
Quotient genus,
Refined passport,
Reliability of abstract groups data,
Reliability of the higher genus curves with automorphisms data,
Representative of a conjugacy class,
Schur index,
Semidirect product of groups,
Shimura variety,
Signature of a group action on a curve,
Size of a conjugacy class.,
Size of a quotient,
Source of abstract group data,
Source of the higher genus curves with automorphisms data,
Split and non-split extension of groups,
Topological Equivalence